Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Typography II: Assignment I

For our first assignment we were instructed to choose a typeface off a list she had provided knowing that we were going to be researching and examining the typeface we had chosen in-depth. I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and pick a typeface I hadn't experience yet or used at all. My choice? Goudy Old Style. For the assignment we had to create 12 8x8 compositions that related to given terms. We were instructed to communicate the term in the most effective way by using only that typeface as shape. The areas we had to explore were: shape/mass, typographic color/value, texture, and structure/proportions. Each area required 3 compositions expressing those terms. In addition we had to write a paper about the typeface and our observation and use portions of our paper in the body copy for our solutions. I struggled the most (as did my peers) with differentiating texture from typographic color the most. I wasn't completely satisfied with all of my compositions. I was trying to stay away from obvious solutions and create something new (although some of these were destined to become so based on restrictions). Also some obvious solutions work, I was really pushing to solve the problem with new solutions. I tried to create solutions that were unique to Goudy Old Style by highlighting its features. I'll star the ones I think came out the best.

Here we go!



Value/Typographic color






  1. I like them, nice job!

  2. the "weight less" and lowercase "g" ones are your best.


While you are here, help me out and leave a short comment on what you think. Anything is fair game. Like it? Hate it? All I ask is that you please keep it tasteful. Thanks!