I'm not sure how to say it, and most of you know this already if you've connected via facebook, that my brother passed away in a car accident on May 25, 2010. Car accident was on the 23rd and resulted in 2 long—long endless days at the hospital fighting with the impossible. Unfortunately the struggle ended in God's hands and my brother of 19 is now watching over us. Although it seems like a short 19 years my brother Nick was able to accomplish living life to the fullest and reaching out to those around him. We were overwhelmed (in a good way) with an entire town of support, and friends and family all across the globe. Although he struggled academically in school, what he lacked in he made up with his charismatic personality. Ask anyone and they would have considered him one of their best friends. He sought out the potential and good in people and gave them a boost. He had a passion for being active and bringing people together. He was one sassy kid with many sayings (some original and others from other sources that he put his own personal spin on). In memory of him I designed a shirt for him. We gathered as many of his sayings as we could remember from friends and family and I formed them into a picture that embodies his personality. Here are the results. Typeface used: ITC Avant Garde

Front of the shirt.

Close up image of t-shirt front.

Roughly what the back of the shirt looks like.
Also, threw together a slideshow in memory of Nick.
Remembering Nick—Never Tired from Jacob Hagen on Vimeo.
There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him and yearn to see his smile and hear his laugh. If anything, the loss of him has sparked a new life in me. Each day I wake up thankful for another day to feel the sun and to be surrounded by my loving friends and family. Living in the moment is so important to me now. Make the most of those moments and never regret anything—and above all—make sure to treat those in the same moment as you with respect. Bitter feelings are not worth it. Sure you'll have disagreements, sort it out and move on. It's not worth wasting life's time. It is bittersweet in the way that I have learned to experience this, but in a way—I know it is Nick's way of living on in me. The best thing I can do is live in the footsteps he lived in and make the most out of life and not take things for granted. Love ya bro!
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