Friday, April 30, 2010


Design Concepts II final project. We had to create and materialize a new type of toy not on the market for our final project. I was inspired by Toypography (information and like on a previous post) where fragmented letters could make Japanese letter symbols and the English word, and create an abstract picture of the word. Extremely clever, but not as useful to children unless they are Japanese. Instead, I took my project in a bit different direction with a similar concept. I wanted to create building blocks for kids that would make up their name when the put the fragments together. Additionally, I wanted to include magnets at the junction so kids would recognize the reasoning to put them together... and the other fact that magnets are just fun to play with in general. I created boy a serif, and san serif of my name as well (using Scala Sans and Scala Serif because they have the same skeleton and would be easier to mix when playing with them).

We had to create an advertisement of our toy as well. Here are some pictures of my project and then the advertisement I created. Here's the ad:

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