Here are two posters I had to do for typography class. Earlier on we had worked with 6 verbs (abstracting them first with shapes, then types - I'll post these later). For this assignment we had to choose one of the verbs and arrange them on a tabloid size poster, using the verb as the head, our own made up subhead, and then the definition of the verb for the body text. We were limited to 4 typefaces: ITC Franklin Gothic, Gill Sans, Helvetica Neue, and Univers. Colors: Black and white with screen, tints, and tones. Only 3 weights of the typeface could be used. We were allowed to use anything else that was created or manipulated (via stock).
Here was the first poster I created:

I wasn't happy with this version because something didn't feel quite right—so I continued on and tried a different verb. I've tried to refine shiver a couple times, trying to relate the body text to the rest of the image more—but to no avail. Nothing was looking good. Any ideas?

I feel more satisfied with the results from flood than I do with shiver, although I do enjoy the shiver head title more than the default flood title. Opinions?
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