Monday, March 22, 2010

Title Image

Whew! Just got done finishing the blog title image. My inspiration came from Pentagram Design Inc.'s yearly calendar. Each year Pentagram produces a Typographic Calendar that features a different typeface each month. Each month includes a brief description about what makes the featured font distinctive and a biography of the type designer. On the cover of the calendar the number 365 is created by combining all the outlines of all 12 types featured.

Similarly, I decided to use some of my favorite typefaces when creating the title 'just jake'. In case you were wondering, the typefaces I included were Adobe Garamond, Kozuka Gothic Pro, Helvetica Neue, Rockwell, Minion, Didot, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, Baskerville, Bodoni, Univers, Bembo, Caslon, Clarendon, Perpetua, Grotesque, Avenir, Bell Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Myriad, VAG Rounded, and Gotham. Half were used to create 'just' and the other have to create 'jake'.

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