Today in Digital Imaging we watched a few short films in order to get some concepts for film editing, motion, sound, etc. Here are a few of the films that I enjoyed the most.
The first one is called Mr. Resistor and was created in 2007.
Second, a Maya Dere experimental film. We only watched two of hers (I'm showing you my favorite of the two), but I am absolutely in love with her. The concept may hurt your head because things are experimental, but overall they are very enjoyable.
Here is Meshes of the Afternoon.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Verb Posters
Here are two posters I had to do for typography class. Earlier on we had worked with 6 verbs (abstracting them first with shapes, then types - I'll post these later). For this assignment we had to choose one of the verbs and arrange them on a tabloid size poster, using the verb as the head, our own made up subhead, and then the definition of the verb for the body text. We were limited to 4 typefaces: ITC Franklin Gothic, Gill Sans, Helvetica Neue, and Univers. Colors: Black and white with screen, tints, and tones. Only 3 weights of the typeface could be used. We were allowed to use anything else that was created or manipulated (via stock).
Here was the first poster I created:

I wasn't happy with this version because something didn't feel quite right—so I continued on and tried a different verb. I've tried to refine shiver a couple times, trying to relate the body text to the rest of the image more—but to no avail. Nothing was looking good. Any ideas?

I feel more satisfied with the results from flood than I do with shiver, although I do enjoy the shiver head title more than the default flood title. Opinions?
Here was the first poster I created:

I wasn't happy with this version because something didn't feel quite right—so I continued on and tried a different verb. I've tried to refine shiver a couple times, trying to relate the body text to the rest of the image more—but to no avail. Nothing was looking good. Any ideas?

I feel more satisfied with the results from flood than I do with shiver, although I do enjoy the shiver head title more than the default flood title. Opinions?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Chair Etiquette
Title Image
Whew! Just got done finishing the blog title image. My inspiration came from Pentagram Design Inc.'s yearly calendar. Each year Pentagram produces a Typographic Calendar that features a different typeface each month. Each month includes a brief description about what makes the featured font distinctive and a biography of the type designer. On the cover of the calendar the number 365 is created by combining all the outlines of all 12 types featured.

Similarly, I decided to use some of my favorite typefaces when creating the title 'just jake'. In case you were wondering, the typefaces I included were Adobe Garamond, Kozuka Gothic Pro, Helvetica Neue, Rockwell, Minion, Didot, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, Baskerville, Bodoni, Univers, Bembo, Caslon, Clarendon, Perpetua, Grotesque, Avenir, Bell Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Myriad, VAG Rounded, and Gotham. Half were used to create 'just' and the other have to create 'jake'.

Similarly, I decided to use some of my favorite typefaces when creating the title 'just jake'. In case you were wondering, the typefaces I included were Adobe Garamond, Kozuka Gothic Pro, Helvetica Neue, Rockwell, Minion, Didot, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, Baskerville, Bodoni, Univers, Bembo, Caslon, Clarendon, Perpetua, Grotesque, Avenir, Bell Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Myriad, VAG Rounded, and Gotham. Half were used to create 'just' and the other have to create 'jake'.

The Watercone.
Alright, so the environmentally friendly side is coming out of me. Ran across this today and I just think this is genius. It could benefit areas of the world that don't have access to clean water all the time (something we Americans take for granted unfortunately). Check. It. Out.
A beginning.

After heehawing with the idea of a blog for awhile, I finally decided to take the jump. I mean, not that it is all that difficult, but it requires some time on my part (something I have little of here at CCS). The main reasons I've made the jump is to record my work, and provide a spot where I can post things that inspire me. A little slice of the world captured solely for inspiration. A place I can revisit to discover who I am becoming as an artist and designer. I will post things as I discover them and create them. Currently I am a student enrolled in the Graphic Design program at College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI. Speak of majors, my friend Jenni had discussed minoring in advertising in class today as we were enjoying some of the student work on the walls. Although I haven't thought about it that much... minoring in advertising wouldn't be *that* bad. Jenni had discussed it mainly because she has all her liberal arts done (as do I) and that some semesters it will be limited in the classes we can take (because things are so laid out at CCS, they leave spots for those liberal arts courses). Since there will be some spots open, why not fill them with a few ad classes? Maybe working up to minoring in ad? It would be a nice compliment to a graphic design major. Thoughts? I'll think about this some more after I talk to my advisor about it. We shall see. Keep you updated. As a reader, I hope you enjoy my journey as much as I will.
*Picture taken by Tarina Doolittle
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